J. Cesar Ignacio Espinoza, Ph.D.

Echo Park LA / Oaxaca MX
Accomplished and energetic bioinformatics-trained biologist with a solid track of achievements in genomic and metagenomic research. Passionate and motivated, with an ample background in biological sciences, statistics, and scientific computing. Areas of expertise include next-generation sequencing analysis, genomics, microbiology, virus-host interactions, and molecular biology.
I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the Tecnologico del Valle de Oaxaca (Oaxaca, Mexico), where I studied the germination process of cacti; did you know that seeds can tell if they are under shade by the ratio of red:far-red light they receive?
In 2008 I was selected as a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Arizona where I received a Master’s of Science degree studying the phylogenomics of T4-like viruses, we found that most of their genes are passed down vertically just like macro-organisms!
I subsequently obtained a PhD degree from the University of Arizona in Molecular and Cellular Biology, where I studied genes and genomes of marine viruses; We uncovered the genome architecture of viruses, annotated novel structural proteins, and described their distribution patterns.
I spent a few years at the University of Southern California where I got to wear multiple hats (including my field work hat, see image); My research still focused on understanding virus-host interactions, I actively think on novel methodological techniques to link viruses to hosts from the informatic to wet-lab based methods, and the long-term consequences of virus-host ecological interactions.
Currently, I work in biotech, where I get to look a SARS genomes and more recently human genomes, all what I say here are my opinions
Follow my new blog The DNA Diaries where I talk about genes, genomes and genetics
Connect with me following my social media links below.